Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hooray for Frank-Rod

so i'm going to be a little late with the jumping ups of the buttage again, so to tide us all over let's enjoy our Omar's signing of Krawd (I reject the K-Rod nickname, it's either Krawd or Frank-Rod for me) who I think looks like a sand person.

In other GMDB news, our South Korean corespondent Joe Vidosh, who sporadically posts as Shea Stadium, emailed me the SNL digital short 'Jizz In My Pants' saying it would be good to post. Well, everyone's already seen that shit and gotten sick of it by now so instead I'm going to post the other email Vidosh forwarded to me, originally from one of Joe's South Korean, um, friends.
I have affection for you forever.
I'd like to sacrifice for you with my everything without condition until death apart us.
I'm your rare expensive jewel.
you were lucky. our meeting was happened by the fate. even though it was in the market of one night stand, sex toy market.
my peppermint, kahula more gin vodka brandy
oh my cute hair band why tears in my eyes
no more sadness, you took my heart , oh baby
Holy shit, what a fucking disaster. Good luck with that Vidosh. And if you really want to see an awesome comedy clip with foul language than you should pay homage to the masters Bob and David.

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