ooooooh, A-Rod used steroids. well who the fuck didn't? why is anyone still pretending like people care if baseball players used steroids in the 90's and 00's WHEN THE DIDN'T FUCKING TEST FOR IT?
So far the only people I can tell who are upset are boring sports writers. I mean these people are so boring, it's really no surprise newspaper's are fucked.
Here is some boring piece of crap I read in the Washington Post today. Hey dude, shut up.
Oh look,
stupid Boswell wants to give his boring opinion too. Hey, Boswell, check this out: shut up.
Oh and hey boring writers, every chug caffeinated beverages to help stay up late so you could hand in one of your boring ass stories? Oh you have? Wonderful, now fucking enough about stupid a-rod and god damn steroids.
Oh and to answer Phillysucks' question about who would I rather eat dinner with, Big Pud or Shane Victorino, provided that bodily harm to either party is strickly prohibited, I believe I would pick Big Pud. I would pretend like I was Big Pud's friend and then I would go to bars with him and cock block him all night long.
Say, all of that reminds me, by the way, that Philadelphia is a festing bowl of dog snot. Do you think they would make a movie about AIDS and call it New York? No, no they wouldn't.